Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /mammals.php in /home1/apdamien/public_html/mammals.php on line 489

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/apdamien/public_html/mammals.php:489) in /home1/apdamien/public_html/mammals.php on line 490

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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/apdamien/public_html/mammals.php:489) in /home1/apdamien/public_html/mammals.php on line 494

Warning: readfile(/mammals.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/apdamien/public_html/mammals.php on line 495
Random Species Generator

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Damien's Random Species Generator

Which list do you want to get a species from?

Your random species:          goat

Why did you choose these species?

I started with two lists: predators (aka carnivores) and prey. I started with the List of Placental Mammals in Wikipedia. With a few exceptions, I used only animals whose names are a single word (e,g., "otter" but not "European otter" or "giant otter"). Exceptions include "snow leopard" vs. leopard, "brown bear" and "polar bear." I arbitrarily decided to exclude some of the primates, especially monkeys and great apes, that are too close to humans in appearance and intelligence. Then I added in some of the monotremes and marsupials, based on an my arbitrary feeling of which ones were "interesting".

I also found a few species that neither prey on or are preyed upon by land animals. This includes mammals that are primarily aquatic, as well as a few that could are too large to easily kill (rhinos, elephants), plus the aye-aye, which lives in an environment that is inaccessible to land predators.

"Cute species": I used my own feelings about which creatures are "cute" for story/roleplaying purposes.

If you don't like my choices, you are free to download the script (link in the top right corner) and modify it to your own preferences. The source for this script is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.